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I am a psychic medium, tarot/oracle card reader, and astrologer. It is an honor and pleasure to service the world with my gifts. As a natural born medium and healer, my gifts were a little intimidating to me as I grew into them from a 3 year old (the earliest I remember using them). But I have had many ascensions and spiritual awakenings and I am more comfortable with them now more than ever before. I encourage you to step into your spiritual purpose and attune to your natural spiritual gifts as well - whatever those might be, if you feel called to do so. We all use our intuition in different ways. 


My beautiful and multi-talented Mother is the person who introduced me to jewelry design. She is a jewelry designer herself and has passed those gifts down to me. I’ve been a designer since I was 6 years old - using my Barbie’s as my models. All of my designs come straight from my heart as everything presented on this website is designed to aid you in healing, love, and spiritual ascension. 


It is my goal to encourage spiritual awareness, ascension, and inclusion in this lifetime. I do not discriminate against any person. If you are working through shadowy energy, I still support you. With that being said, none of the tools on my website are designed to remove or alter anyone’s free-will. 


Thank you for being here and taking the time out of your lovely day to read a little about me and check out my website. If you have any questions, special requests, or would simply like to introduce yourself, please feel free to reach out to me via the “Contact” page or via email and I will be sure to get back to you. 


If you are interested in free readings based on your zodiac sign, you can always find me on YouTube by searching “Bree Rockstar”. I have 2 YouTube channels, choose the channel with the black and white profile photo and that will guide you to my free readings. If you already follow me on Instagram @bree_rockstar, the link to my channel is in my bio. 

Happy Shopping!

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