New Moon in Cancer – July 5th & 6th, 2024
Time this Moon will be “visible”:
o 10:58pm UTC
o 3:58pm PT
o 6:58pm EST
o 8:58am UTC +10 (Sydney Australia) (July 6th)
o 12:58am UTS +2 (Johannesburg South Africa) (July 6th)
*Writing prompts for new moon in cancer are italicized in bold.
Things to know about the New Moon in Cancer:
o Prepare to deepen your self-awareness in a way that allows you to understand your emotional needs and do what it takes to reach emotional fulfillment.
o This is a time to test and connect deeply with your intuition.
o Brings attention to our personal world – emotional lives, internal world, home, family, nurturing, what feels good for you on an emotional level.
o This moon will give space for you to allow your emotions to flow freely without needing to rationalize and suppress them. What feelings are you having and why? Accept and release the past.
o “Home is where the heart is” and with this new moon, this statement is a fact. This moon encourages you to find and/or create “home” within you. When there is no one else around, what do you do for, and with yourself that reminds you that you can enjoy your own company? How do you ensure yourself that being alone is a natural part of life? You do not have to feel lonely simply because you are alone. The new moon in cancer is here to remind us of this.
o Be cautious of your thoughts during this time. There will be a lot of emotions flowing through you. The only logic necessary for this moon is the logic it takes for you to determine what you can do to help yourself feel more at home in your body, in your home, in your community, and in your family.
o Cancer is a cardinal zodiac sign which means that the energy is ideal for starting something new and coming up with more effective ways of living and reaching emotional fulfillment. New moon energy is all about new beginnings and ushering in new energy, so the collaboration of our New Moon in Cancer is sure to bring in something new that contributes to your emotional support and stability in some way.
o Deepening the relationship with yourself and your loved ones will be highlighted during this moon phase. You will be a pillar of emotional support for yourself and friends and family.
It is useful to refer to your Moon sign when analyzing how the moon phase will impact your life.
How will the New Moon in Cancer Affect your Zodiac Sign?
ARIES: You’ll want to prioritize bonding with your close friends and family members. Taking time out to journal and meditate will help you express yourself more clearly and authentically to your close circle, which will lead to you feeling more seen and understood by them. I know you’ve been busy but its time for some self-reflection and family time.
TAURUS: Don’t be surprised if you find yourself incredibly curious about the internal worlds of your friends during this new moon. You’ll feel the urge to learn new things and socialize. You may feel busy at this time, but it feels manageable enough. You are finding joy in gaining knowledge, applying yourself, and spending time with friends. Your creativity is bursting out of the seams this new moon!
GEMINI: Your focus is on your income-based aspirations during this new moon. You’ll want to gather research before making any big moves because you are wise. Don’t forget to check-in with your heart and your intuition as well before making any big moves. Talking through your proposed plan with a friend or colleague could be effective for you at this time.
CANCER: You will have clarity about your inner self, confidence, identity, and POV. This may be a time for a makeover in some area of your life as you’re feeling eager to portray your inner self to your external world. If anything feels like it no longer fits the bill (the bill being your inner self), you will leave it behind. You are adding to, changing, and rearranging your appearance (or the appearance of something around you) to match how you truly see yourself on the inside.
LEO: This is your time to nurture yourself and tend to your mental health. You may find yourself scheduling a therapy appointment and/or tarot reading, or scheduling doctors appointments for annual check-ups. You’ll be feeling called to tap in to yourself and guidance on a spiritual level.
VIRGO: You’ll feel like collaborating. You’ve been working on your personal goals for a while and it’s time to work on a collaborative goal and intention with people you trust. You’ll feel the courage to make a bigger impact – something that doesn’t only affect you. Collaborations began at this time are likely to be fulfilling and enlightening.
LIBRA: If you’ve been waiting for the right time to go after your biggest career goal of the year, the time is now. Taking the smallest step in this direction could prove to lead to major success. Go after that higher position, talk to your superior about your goals and how you plan to achieve them, take on more responsibility. Taking an unconventional path to success could boost your security and stability precisely.
SCORPIO: You’re feeling restless during this new moon. You’ll want to shake things up a bit but not in a reckless way. You’re wanting to journey, adventure, and focus on higher learning. You may feel eager to sign up for an adventurous club/class in a place that is unfamiliar to you. The actions you take now will only lead to personal growth and development in the future and you are very much aware of this.
SAGITTARIUS: You may not always feel the need to do this, but now is your time to be sensitive and emotionally aware and available. You’ll find yourself wanting to have deep, emotional conversations with a significant other and/or loved ones. The new moon in cancer brings out your emotions and gives you the motivation to express them in gentle ways that offer clarity. This level of depth is sure to bring a new tone to the relationship that is thrilling, heartwarming, and rewarding. Expect to feel a new sense of inner peace and security.
CAPRICORN: Expect to be spending more time with loved ones and colleagues than usual. This moon encourages you to have the patience to be apart of conversations where issues that have been hanging in the balance will be addressed. Remember to be true to your feelings and to listen to what others are sharing with you. With little effort, you may find a new and effective solution to an old pattern or way of being that has proven to be ineffective. Expect to come into harmony with the people around you.
AQUARIUS: This new moon is all about you, Aquarius. It is about your health and well-being when it comes to your inner world. You may find yourself reviewing your daily routines to find out what has been working for your health and what hasn’t. Don’t be surprised if you decide to alter your diet or begin a rigorous 90 day work out challenge. You’ll be open to new and creative ways of nurturing yourself and others on an emotional level. Any changes you make during this new moon are intended to start with you and spread out to the external world around you.
PISCES: This is a shift for you. You’ve been working hard and want to switch gears. Spending more time with friends and family can help you tap into light-hearted, joyful energy. Your connection to yourself will be clear and deep, allowing you to artistically express yourself in a fulfilling way. You’ll be feeling spontaneous and playful and will certainly want to play with others. This energy guides you to a lifestyle that includes more family time and relaxation.
Thank you so much for stopping by. Happy New Moon!