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Strawberry Full Moon in Capricorn - June 21st, 2024

Full Moon in Capricorn – June 21st, 2024


-          Time this Moon will be Visible:

o   1:08am UTC

o   6:08pm PT (June 21st)

o   9:08pm EST (June 21st)

o   11:08am UTC +10 (Sydney Australia)

o   3:08am UTS +2 (Johannesburg South Africa)


-          Quick Facts about the Strawberry Moon in Capricorn:

o   Break the chains of attachment, limiting beliefs and any limits you impose on yourself that hinders your growth and happiness.

o   You may feel overly emotional one moment and feel overly analytical the next moment. Don’t give into any extreme feeling or any extreme idea.

o   There will be magnification on any problems that you might be having in your relationships and relationships with money (Opportunity to identify with clarity where there might be issues on those 2 areas AND bring awareness to your response).

o   Use frustration during this time as motivation to figure out solutions to problems and to process.

o   You’ll have the confidence to address issues during this time.

o   Emotional maturity and self-discipline will be highlighted.

o   Release the need for self-analysis and self-criticism/judgment and instead, embrace the power that comes from self-acceptance and understanding.

-          Where Does the Name “Strawberry Moon” Come From?

o   Native American Algonquian tribes keyed the term “Strawberry Moon” to mark the harvesting of wild strawberries in June.

o   The moon isn’t actually visibly pink during this moon phase – it is just the harvesting of strawberries that it gets its name from.

o   If you work towards something, your dreams can and will come true. This moon phase intends to highlight that for you…that rhymed.


Strawberry Moon in Capricorn June 2024 (Full Moon) is a reminder that what you give your energy to is bound to turn into something beautifully abundant and delicious. It’s a time to acknowledge how far along this journey of life you’ve come. No matter what, where you were 5 years ago is not where you are today and that is something to be proud of. In some way, you’ve made changes in your life that moved you closer towards your destiny. This is the time to acknowledge that.

It is a phase of reflection, self-acceptance, acknowledgement, planning, confidence, self-discipline, self-awareness, accountability, courage, clarity, and magnification on your relationships.



 It is useful to refer to your Moon sign when analyzing how the moon phase will impact your life.


-          What Will the Full (Strawberry) Moon Magnify for Each Zodiac Sign?

o   ARIES – Take time reflecting, and allow wisdom to guide your next steps. Do not get caught up in drama or inner emotional drama at this time. View the conflicts from a broader perspective. You may already have resolutions to problems but may feel too caught up in the moment to realize this.

o   TAURUS – Good Karma. This will be a time for you to feel comfortable giving and not focusing on whether someone deserves what you have to offer or if you’re worthy enough to offer. Just give. Nurture yourself and the people around you. Allow them to develop naturally without frequent checks of their progress. More satisfying outcomes will come about using this approach.

o   GEMINI – Pay attention to what you’ve been pursuing and take the necessary steps to correct your course in a positive direction. You’ll either be letting go of anything that hasn’t been working for you OR giving it the necessary time, attention and energy to support growth.

o   CANCER – Be proud! You’ve achieved so much. But for the majority of you Cancers, you’ve achieved so much that you may have outgrown your current lifestyle and limitations. You’ve protected your assets courageously and now is the time to plan for the next phase of life for you. This moon encourages you to dream bigger than ever and manifest reaching new horizons.

o   LEO – This is your time to leap forward and showcase your strengths. You may have new ideas and/or breakthroughs during this moon phase that may seem improbable but can be achieved with solid actions and a solid step forward. Anything that has held you back up to this point is bound to liberate you during 2024’s strawberry moon phase.

o   VIRGO – This is your time to come out of regret and self-criticism. Liberate yourself. As you reflect on past relationships and situations, understand the difference between the actions you took then, versus the actions you would take today because you have grown so much. Self-forgiveness and understanding are your tools during this moon phase.

o   LIBRA – Your thinking has changed and will be noticeable during this phase. You are motivated to live a peaceful life every day, doing whatever you feel destined to do. This positive shift will have a positive influence over your health, enthusiasm, sense of purpose and your resources. Allow your intuition to guide you.

o   SCORPIO – You’re right, we can’t control everything. Some unfavorable situation(s) may have happened in your recent past, leaving you in despair and feeling pessimistic. Scorpio, know that you can decisively choose what you desire and actively nurture it into existence. Because anything that we give our time and energy to will blossom. Clarity and your commitment during this phase will bring about positive manifestations in your life.

o   SAGITTARIUS – You are not obligated to be the same person you were 10 years ago. Break free of self-imposed limitations. Remember, you are a fire sign and fire cannot be contained. Know that life is a continuous flow, as are we. You are the origin of abundance. With this in mind, be open to refreshing ideas. Feel invigorated as you burst through the seams of who you are expected to be into who you truly are.

o   CAPRICORN – Rest, reflect, and meditate. Trust your intuition and put up the necessary boundaries to protect your growth and healing. A chapter of your life is coming to an end. Use your intellect, a strong set of boundaries, and clear communication to overcome challenges you may face during this time. Face what lies ahead with optimism.

o   AQUARIUS – The universe is showing you through your achievements who’s really there for you and who just says they are. Those who celebrate your smallest achievements and those who forget the valuable impacts you’ve made. Use this clarity to release relationships/connections, habits, and/or beliefs that hinder your progress or limit you in any way.  

o   PISCES – Move away from nostalgia. People in the past are there for a reason. Usually, a very good one. Instead of reminiscing, use that magical energy to embrace and manifest your true joy and fulfillment. Knowing that what you truly want in life is already aligned with your path and will meet you as you grow along your journey (most likely not waiting for you in the past).


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