Time this Moon will be Visible:
o 9:01am UTC
o 1:01am PT
o 4:01am EST
o 8:01pm UTC +10 (Sydney Australia)
o 11:01am UTS +2 (Johannesburg South Africa)
Quick Facts about the Cold Moon in Gemini:
This Moon earns its name through Native American traditions acknowledging the arrival of winter’s chill. It can also be called "The Long Night Moon".
There will be a major focus on the words we use to express ourselves during this moon phase. Be mindful and intentional with your word choice when expressing yourself.
This is the perfect time to have conversations with someone to overcome a situation that has been swept under the rug.
This is the final full moon of the year.
You may have an increased interest in events, opportunities, and relationships that encourage you to adapt to different situations and become more curious about the world around you.
This is the perfect time to tap into your creative writing, poetry, song-writing, storytelling, small-talk energy. Gemini is intelligent, curious, social, and mutable, making them easy to get along with at events since they’re usually comfortable going with the flow.
Release the need for self-analysis and self-criticism/judgment and instead, embrace the power that comes from self-acceptance and understanding.
With Mercury going direct (Mercury rules Gemini) you may receive news or information that leads to a breakthrough.
It is useful to refer to your Moon sign when analyzing how the moon phase will impact your life.
What Will the Full “Cold” Moon Magnify for Each Zodiac Sign?
ARIES – Something may come full circle for you during this moon phase. The full moon in Gemini will be hitting your 3rd house of communication, intelligence, early learning, siblings, and close neighborhoods. You may be feeling eager to reach out to people who you’ve had miscommunications with. It’s important to ask clear questions and to actively listen to the responses you receive at this time. You are coming to the end of a chapter and tying up all loose ends. Follow your desire to express yourself through words. Refrain from making any assumptions.
TAURUS – This moon illuminates your second house of work ethic, income, material possessions, habits and so on. You’ll be called to finally make a decision about what you truly want to invest your time in and/or what job you truly want to do. You may receive many offers for positions you’ve had interest in. You’ll be heavily focused on your finances and working on a budget that works best for you.
GEMINI – This moon is all about you, Gemini. You may have found yourself making many changes to your physical appearance throughout the year trying to find what style, color, texture suits you best. Now is the time for you to make the connection between who you are internally and how you show up externally. Once the connection is made, ground yourself into that energy. The New Moon in Gemini will uncover something significant that effects you personally. You may find something interesting about your body that you haven’t seen before.
CANCER – Sit back, relax, and allow your mind to be at ease. This moon is helping you to rest. You may be struggling with emotions that stem from a traumatic or painful experience. This lunar cycle is also illuminating the inner work that can be done. Your 12th house of dreams, subconscious, healing, and endings is illuminated so you may find that your dreams have important relativity to your life and feel called to write/journal about them. It’s okay to go inside and face your shadows Cancer, the parties will still be raging when you return.
LEO – You’re the star of the party this season, Leo. Your friends are appreciating you at this time and wanting to show their gratitude by inviting you out and making sure you are the center of attention. Your friend circle may have changed significantly - adding and subtracting a few people. It's safe to say that your circle is a lot more genuine now. You may be hesitant to go out but will certainly enjoy yourself if you do.
VIRGO – Don’t overwork yourself. Be sure that the time you are putting into a career will be worth the outcome. The hard work you’ve been putting in all year will be mentioned often during this full moon. You will hear about how helpful your work has been from many different people – some you haven’t even realized you’ve helped. You may be deciding to go after a dream job.
LIBRA – You’re embarking on something new. This moon is illuminating your 9th house of travel, higher education, and ethics. You may take a deep dive into a particular topic or enroll in class(es). You’ll be eager to find and gather new information and learn new things that will be useful for your future. You may be invited to take a trip with friends or visit friends in a different country.
SCORPIO – The Full Moon in Gemini is causing you to focus on the intimate parts of your relationships. You may be feeling vulnerable and decide to open up with someone close. You'll be eager to have a deep conversation with someone trustworthy. You’ll be feeling in touch with your sensitive parts and so will your partner. If you’re single, you’ll be connecting with someone who seems to telepathically know how to please you. It’s time for any unspoken feelings to be brought to the surface.
SAGITTARIUS – You’re a popular catch, Sagittarius. Your attention has been being pulled in many different directions this year. With the full moon in Gemini, it is time to decide exactly what you want to be apart of. You may have had offers from business partners and/or romantic companions. Now is the time to sort through your many offers and decide which opportunities resonate with your desires and which ones don't. You’ll be eager to learn more about the people you decide to move forward with. The potential to become engaged and/or take things to a different level are high at this time.
CAPRICORN – Capricorn, it’s time to get back into a routine. Remember to do things that will have positive long term effects on your health. If having a schedule causes you to feel less stressed, then create one. You’ll feel called to stay organized and consistent during this lunar phase. If going to a new gym, you may meet new friends or find a relatable group to work out with and learn from. You could also feel obligated to help someone else become more organized.
AQUARIUS – Love is in the air! If you’re single, get out there and do some things you really enjoy. This full moon is tapping into your 5th house of passion and romance, so it’s time to have some fun. Don’t feel bad if your interests are unique, there is someone for everyone and your person is guaranteed to show up to whatever eclectic event you plan on attending, Aqua. If not focused on love, you’re bound to have a blast with your loving friends.
PISCES – During this lunar cycle you’ll be focusing on what does and does not serve your home, family, and personal life. You may be feeling eager to make changes due to discomfort in your home brought on by external forces. You might be planning a move, renovation, or cutting people out of your life who bring stress.