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Zodiac Signs Through the Moon


I'm sure by now you've heard of something called "Your Big 3". Your big three in astrology are the zodiac signs that represent your sun sign, your rising sign, and your moon sign. The sun in astrology is how your ego responds to things and how you are motivated in this lifetime. The "rising" sign is how you present yourself before really getting to know someone - in other words this is your representative. It's how you'd like people to see you and your instinctual response to things that happen to you. Last out of the "Big 3" but certainly not least is the moon sign. The moon represents your emotional state - how you handle things on an emotional level, and your intuition. The moon also represents how your mother behaved with and around you when you were growing in her belly and when you were growing up in her household. 

Now that you have a general idea of what your "Big 3" means, if you are interested in locating these placements in your own birthchart all that you need are your birth time, location of birth, and of course date of birth. Next, find a birthchart calculator online and it will calculate these placements for you. Once you've found your moon sign, this blog is designed to give you the details of how you handle emotional situations and how your mother cared for you as a child. Let's dive in!

Moon in Aries 

Aries is a cardinal fire sign. Having Aries represent your moon sign, you may have found that you're a little more impatient than everyone else. This placement leads these natives to enjoy the spontaneity in life. Moon in Aries tends to prefer instant gratification, waiting around for things to happen is not this placement's strong suit. Because this leader of a fire sign is representing your emotions, emotions take precedence over anything else happening. They are deeply in tune with their desires. Coming off defensively, this placement just prefers to take care of their emotional needs right away so that they can move on to the next thing. Temperamental. This placement finds a peaceful household/environment to be boring. They likely grew up in a home that had a lot of chaos, arguments, and they would have willingly involved themselves - better than being bored! Because of this trait, you won't find stable peace in a household where an Aries moon resides. Separating their own wants and needs does not come easily. They see these things as one in the same as they are incredibly driven to go after whatever they desire. Whether that be a banana or someone else's girlfriend. If they want it, they shall obtain it or try their very best to do so. Relentless, some might say. Their Mom was most likely very independent, confident, assertive and maybe even a little selfish. Her focus was mostly on her goals and desires and she would’ve been dominant.


Moon in Taurus 

Taurus is a fixed earth sign. The moon placed here is pretty easy going. These people are not easy to rile up and enjoy the traditions in life. The more stable, traditional, and unchanging their environments are, the happier they will be. They like to know what to expect next. Familiarity. Trying to get this placement to do something that they didn't come up with on their own will be no easy task, but once they agree to something and set their mind to it, they will persevere in whatever it is. Their steadiness is comforting for their loved ones. In love, these folks may take a while to recognize that their partner wants changes to be made within the relationship, growing needs to be done, or that their person is looking for emotional stimulation. They are generally romantic and their sentiments are usually very strong, deep and unwavering. They rarely make a move without being sure that it is safe and beneficial for them. They are tied to the physical world and have a well-developed sense of smell - probably touch and taste as well as these placements are very in tune with earth, practicality and materials. Resistant to change and not very adaptable. Their needs are strong yet simple. Their mother likely enjoyed seeing them in very traditional clothing, wanted their child to be presented as the "perfect" child. Their mother was likely making her best attempt at being supportive of growth, maintaining a steady and stable home environment, making purchases that would last a lifetime. This sign may not have received many gifts growing up but the gifts that were received were likely luxurious and/or of high quality. Homelife was likely traditional and stable. Mother was stubborn and not easily convinced to change her mindset. Mom was likely, calm, stable, affectionate, strong-willed, and may have wanted things done her way. She would’ve been constantly aiming to attain financial security.


Moon in Gemini

Gemini is a mutable air sign. Having the moon placed here will give this person a lot to say. Especially when it comes to their emotions. This person may be upset one moment and completely forgetting what they were upset about in the next moment - possibly even gaslighting someone into thinking nothing was wrong to begin with. Pleasant, witty and charming. Generally well-informed and curious about everything - this curiosity remains on the surface. They can be moody and irritable with family and at home. These natives read a lot, talk a lot, and think a lot. Here is where you might find your internal worrier, this placement can have a sort of nervousness about them. Underlying restlessness. They generally dislike housework but enjoy home improvement. If they are building a home, you'll find that they're always "working" on adding or changing something - small or big. They are bored with routine and constancy. They are often unsettled and always believing the grass is greener "over there". They can handle the intellectual needs of their children  but not so much the emotional needs. Sociable, friendly and comfortable in crowds. Although comfortable in social settings, these natives should be cautious not to get so wrapped up in observing others and listening in on what everyone else has to say that they forget what they actually want to do. Unlike moon in Taurus, they are adaptable. Tend to have many projects going at once and may have trouble sticking to one thing at a time. They will be quick to speak about their feelings but feeling their feelings is a different story entirely. These natives should allow themselves to feel the feelings that they are logically aware of. Their mother was likely friendly, knew what was going on around her neighborhood - probably apart of some kind of neighborhood association if there was one. There would have been many visitors in the home. These natives likely learned a lot from many different people and sources growing up as their household would've been a social hub. Their mom would’ve been incredibly talkative and used this a tool to teach.


Moon in Cancer 

Cancer is a cardinal water sign. The moon placed here will give this native a moody disposition. Moon is happy at home when placed in Cancer. As the moon transitions throughout the month to all 12 zodiac signs, these natives will transition right along with it. Feeling all of the emotions and currents that each zodiac sign brings along. These people are extremely in touch with their intuition and have a clear connection with their higher self and other dimensions. These placements can often be mediums and/or psychics. Their eyes will be watery. Memory is exquisite. They can see other people’s emotions clearly and are not usually detached. They seek out safety, security, familiarity, peace, and quiet. They despise superficiality in every form. These natives are leery of change. They collect things to feel secure. Because their memory is so strong, they also have a strong attachment to the past. They can hold on to mistreatments from the past for far longer than everyone else involved. Not preferring to confront people directly, they may use other tactics to get your attention. This is when their exceptional manipulation skills (if they are insecure) come into play. Their unique outlook on life gives them a loony sense of humor that is often appreciated by those around them. Yes, even by those who are aware of their moodiness and quick-shifting energy. They also tend to be very dependable. If you care for them and make them feel safe, they will return this favor with security and a lifelong connection. Their Mother would've either been absent emotionally or took great care of this child's emotions. Cancer moons are usually the apple of their mother's eye - the sweet child as Mom would see it. She would’ve been over-protective and often stressed about their health and well-being. These natives have a strong sense of desiring to find a family that truly loves and cares for them and shows it openly as they may not have received that growing up. This sign can feel abandoned.


Moon in Leo

Leo is a fixed fire sign. The moon placed here allows these people to be the center of attention at home and with their loved ones. They'll enjoy being the comedian in their intimate circles. Although Leo energy is outgoing, these natives prefer to share this vibrancy within the comfort of their home.  They like to be the leader with their family and friends, making sure things are always set right. These natives can be a little controlling in this way. They feel the need to organize their loved ones. They have a deep need to treat others fairly and justly. They want to be creative and have high potential to be but can become quite lazy. They require lots of love and care to function at their highest in the world. They can express themselves dramatically when they have been slighted, but again, this is only at home. When out in the world, they prefer to take things in a dignified manner. Saving the true expression of how they feel for when they reach the comforts of their home. Don't worry, their fits of drama don't last long. This placement is known for its integrity and strong sense of justice. They don't prefer to make last minute changes and aren't particularly fond of following orders. Their Mother would've likely expressed herself with a lot of drama - seeming to be overly expressive at times. She would’ve appeared to be charming, happy, generous and playful. She would’ve encouraged artistic expression of these natives. There would've been lots of laughs in the home. 


Moon in Virgo

Virgo is a mutable earth sign. These natives can be exceptionally psychic - clearly sharing their psychic/intuitive findings in a logical way that can be understood even by those who are not tapped into those gifts themselves. They are happiest when they've straightened out the details of their everyday life. They feel satisfied when running errands, paying bills, balancing the books etc. Although, you might find them complaining about doing these tasks. More than complaining, they just want to make sure you are aware of the tedious process of everyday work and how the small things they're contributing help life carry on in a balanced and comfortable manner. This is the placement that will help you take care of your life - they like to feel needed and appreciated. They tend to be the first people to offer a hand to someone in need. Easily overwhelmed by pressure and stress, these natives can be seen as underachievers. Appreciating simplicity, they are happy when living a regular lifestyle. They prefer not to receive too much attention from the world. They can worry too much when there is too much to think about and they know their personal limits. They need a steady routine and satisfying job. They feel useful when helping others in little ways. They have a deep need to analyze, attend to details, and micromanage. They pay attention to the little things. If unhappy, they are fussy and complaining. They tend to be shy with new people but are quite open when comfortable. They express their affection in small but practical ways. PDA and Gushy love stuff is not their thing. Reliable and trustworthy, others often turn to them for advice. They can be overly critical and detached from not only their own emotions but the emotions of whoever they're speaking with when trying to express their discontent. A little uncomfortable with their sexuality, they always aim to please. Virgo is a body-aware sign. With this placement, if this native finds themselves with low self-esteem, they can be too concerned with the parts that make up the whole. In this way, they can become intensely self-critical. If you are a dreamy character, this may be your least favorite companion. They are incredibly practical and naturally poke holes in others' blind faith. They see practicality where there should be emotion. Sensitive to criticism about their own lives, they can find themselves interested in other people's problems only to seem uncaring and critical in their response. They tend to be busy. Many are early risers and prepare to begin their day with enthusiasm. They keep busy by managing the personal lives quietly and expertly. Their mothers had incredibly high standards for them and would’ve been a perfectionist, giving, hardworking, detail oriented and demanding order. These natives may have felt like they were not good enough.


Moon in Libra 

Libra is a cardinal air sign. These natives may find themselves married, in long term committed relationships or in living arrangements with people at quite a young age. They feel the need to be partnered up and to be sharing their lives with someone. Otherwise, they may feel incomplete. They are sympathetic and concerned for others. They enjoy mental rapport and welcome a good debate with open arms. Both men and women natives are very charming and can win anyone's heart over with their sense of gentleness and refinement. They tend to be diplomatic in their approach with acquaintances but with a long-standing partner they will fight - or shall I say 'argue' as you may not find these natives getting physical very often - until they win. Anything that is out of balance in their relationships will bother them and they will not let up on changing such scenarios until they see a fair and just outcome. These natives are good at winning arguments because they have no qualms about adopting new ideas and even ideas that they don't truly believe in, just to win a debate. Relentless, one might say in such cases. They are the lawyer who does not back down and comes forth with all relevant facts to the case they intend to prove. This comes in handy when they are defending and supporting you. Moon in Libras are constantly striving for the best and looking to create perfection - this may lead to discontent in life. Their mothers would have been peaceful, calm, friendly, and artistic. She would’ve taught them about love and relationships and put others’ needs before her own.


Moon in Scorpio

Scorpio is a fixed water sign. AKA, ice. Just kidding. These natives seek out emotional intensity. They cut right to the core of a person, getting straight to the bottom of who you are. This can be very attractive to some and intimidating to others. Some signs enjoy materialism, this placement prefers to know the real. Take the materials away and what do we have, or in the case of getting to know someone: who do we have? This is what lunar Scorpios want to know. These folks are intense. They can be born into challenging circumstances like having an absent mother or losing her at a young age. Luckily, this Scorpio moon gives the wisdom it takes to deal with such circumstances at their young ages. They attract transformation and rebirth like no one's business. When accepted with open arms, this doesn't have to be such a dramatic thing. But often, they find themselves in emotionally intense, dramatic, overwhelming situations. Like a magnet to these things. They attract emotional upheaval. If their lives are too regular, they will want to test their own strength by stirring up emotional excitement. This sign will benefit by being self-aware. Meaningless relationships simply won't do for these deep feelers. They want everything or nothing at all. This is the placement that will put their loved ones through tests to test their loyalty and commitment. This can be unconscious as they often have a fear of betrayal. Once they can trust you and fully commit themselves to you, they will be incredibly loyal and protective of you. They radiate strength. Whether they have the experience or not, they seem to just know things. These natives can read people and situations exceptionally well. Comforting some and having others run away afraid of the intensity. Likely running away from their true selves, because lunar Scorpios are simply flashing a light on, magnifying, and interviewing your soul. They may have trust issues with their mom. Their mothers would’ve been intense, strong, secretive, and possessive. It would’ve been easy for her to teach these natives about commitment, dedication and overcoming challenges. When it came to her feelings she would’ve been private and possibly recognized sadness or crying as a sign of weakness – these natives wouldn’t have seen much of these emotions from their mom.


Moon in Sagittarius

Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign. These natives have a need for freedom and space, do not restrict them in any way. This is one of the happier lunar placements. They require lots of activity. Whether that be meeting new people, travelling the world, going out etc. At home, these natives like open space, lots of room and brightness. Safe to say they probably aren't the local hoarder. Lunar Sagittarians are likely to forget appointments or arrive late to meetings. This tends to be forgivable because when they do arrive or you finally reconnect with them, their optimistic spirit and upbeat personality is likely to rub off on you. Their helpful spirit makes them like a natural teacher who is also a friend. They enjoy friendly competition and prefer the outdoors. If not the outdoors, they want to see change in scenery frequently. They dislike routine and the mundane. This is a lunar placement  that has blind faith - they just believe that everything will work out. They'd rather not get into detailed planning, spontaneity is their go-to method. It's what keeps them happy.  Probably no surprise here as we know Sagittarius is a part of the Mutable energies of the zodiac. They are easily adaptable. Hungry for knowledge, new experiences and ideas that really allow them to think broadly. This placement doesn't only handle the truth well but they welcome it with open arms.  Because they are inspiring teachers, you may find art teachers with this placement. Their mothers would’ve been eccentric in some way. Maybe a hippie or very religious – she would’ve stood out in society. She would’ve been loving, friendly, adventurous and optimistic. She taught these natives how to be positive and go with the flow of life. She enjoyed traveling, learning, and immersing herself in new cultures.


Moon in Capricorn 

Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign. These placements want to feel useful and productive. They typically keep their emotions in check which makes them come off as competent. No matter how intense their emotions may be internally, they will always keep a calm demeanor. They desire clear boundaries and realistic goals, they look for security and safety in everything they do. This is not your spontaneous risk taker. These people respect authority and traditions. They are also wonderful planners of the future. They're saving and planning for the future at all times. "Calm, cool, and collected" - emotional outbursts can be disturbing to these natives. They can be quite hard on themselves and hide their sensitivity behind sarcasm. If you've heard that they are cold and calculating it is only because  they are incredibly uncomfortable with letting go or releasing. Because Capricorn is the organized sign, these natives approach emotion in a practical way hence their well-managed emotional nature. In order to feel secure, they need the respect of everyone around them. They would’ve been born in environments that might’ve been emotionally unstable and even abusive. This taught them to close off their hearts to protect themselves. Their mothers would’ve been incredibly hard-working, serious, career-oriented, driven, productive and loyal. She likely would’ve owned her own business or worked a job that she took very seriously. She would’ve taught these natives how to plan and be patient.


Moon in Aquarius 

Aquarius is a fixed air sign. These placements can be shy in youth and enjoy studying human nature. This will be a lifelong study as they love to understand why humans behave the way that they do. They can grow up feeling different than everyone around them. This leads to them feeling lonely and creating strong defense mechanisms that mostly comes from their ego. They like to embrace their uniqueness and try to stand out from the crowd. These natives tend to look down on irrational emotions such as jealousy, possessiveness and fear. This leads them to being on the more detached, distant side of things. Just as any other Aquarian placement in the birth chart, they desire their independence. These natives tend to be incredibly proud of their families, boasting about their uniqueness and how different life was when they were growing up. If their family was conservative, they will boast about how they themselves chose to go against the grain, instead. Although they may throw tantrums when they're children, as they grow they will find those emotions unappealing. They can pride themselves on their coolness and detachment which can lead to alienating themselves or others. But hey, Aquarius IS the alien. Although they are good at understanding others' behaviors, they may lose sight of understanding their own because they tend to resonate with a version of themselves that they aspire to be (which can often be super human). Because these natives are independent and detached, they expect the people they're in relationships with to behave in the same way. Because of this, they can seem to lack compassion and consideration for those who are close to them. Their aquarian humanitarian traits show up on a wider scale - their philosophy on life and the treatment of people on a broader scale. They give their partners plenty of freedom and space to be independent and do as they wish. They are trustworthy and loyal people. When it comes to small things in life they may get flighty but that is them asserting their freedom and independence. Because Aquarius is a fixed sign and it is placed in the emotional moon placement here, they will be a constant fixture in whatever relationships they decide to commit themselves. They can make many friends and make a point of not leaving anyone out, they will fight for others' rights. They are sensitive to any criticism regarding their character. If you do find yourself criticizing these natives, you’ll find that they won't change but they'll just be more intense in the way that you don't like. Their goal here is to prove that they don't care what you think. They will do as they please simply because they have the freedom and independence to do so. If you continue to push against them and their authenticity, they will disappear on you. There is nothing more important to these natives than to be free to be themselves. Especially in close relationships. Charming, stubborn, and unusual, they give the world the spice that is needed. Their mothers would’ve been the kind to offer conditional love. She would’ve been innovative, detached, non-conventional, free-spirited, intelligent, and friendly. She would’ve taught these natives all about social skills and connectivity. She might’ve been emotionally detached or aloof.  


Moon in Pisces

Pisces is a mutable water sign. This placement is dreamy and not in touch with reality. They have many dreams but sometimes lack the action required to bring these dreams into fruition. They are incredibly intuitive, loving and compassionate. They may find practical affairs boring and so they lack a little in that area. They have a good sense of humor in the way that they can understand other people so they tend to understand humor on many different levels - they can be quite giggly. Relying on their intuition, they have to feel everything out. If it doesn't feel right they will not go along with it. Because they are so dreamy, they are often absent minded which can lead them to be in precarious situations in reality. I guess it's a good thing that they don't spend a lot of time there anyway. They require space and time alone to daydream as they are easily overloaded with reality. Reality's perception of them is that they are quite unconventional in their approach to the world. Soft hearted, they tend to be suckers for sob stories. They learn how to be more discerning in life as to not fall into manipulation as easily as they had before. These natives seem to know and understand things without having experienced them actually – similar to our Scorpio moon placements. Making them great actors and actresses when they aren't too shy. Open mind and open heart are these natives. They enjoy art, music, poetry, and writing - anything artistic really. These things keep them incredibly happy as they are able to allow their imagination and dream state to run wild. They love people so they only retreat into solitude when they need to recharge from some harsh realities and people. Shortly coming back out to spread their love across the universe. They can have many addictions and find it challenging to create a stable life. Their mothers would’ve been overly emotional at times. She was emotional, compassionate, spiritual and artistic. She would’ve taught these natives how to help others, express themselves creatively and how to tap into their spirituality. She might’ve been interested in the study of astrology.


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